ACDKIT10.ZIP 89,768 11-01-94 AUDIO CD TOOLBOX lets you add Music CD audiocapability to your QuickBASIC, PDS7, andVB/DOS applications. Play individual audiotracks, entire cd's, specific portions downto 1/75 of second, adjust volume, eject/lock
BASWIZ30.ZIP 210,056 11-05-94 BASIC Wizard's Library v3.0 for MicrosoftBASIC compilers: QB, PDS, VB-DOS. BCD math,telecomm, graphics from Herc to SVGA incl.VESA and dot matrix to laser printer, readand write .BMP images, mSec timers, equation
BLTP181.ZIP 165,324 12-20-94 BULLET for PowerBasic 3 is a super-fast,super-small B-tree/dBASE .DBF, transaction-based, multi-user database toolkit. BULLETfor PowerBasic 3, 10-Oct-94.
BLTQ120.ZIP 213,131 01-05-95 BULLET is a super-fast, super-smallB-tree/dBASE .DBF, transaction-based,multi-user database toolkit for QB, BASIC7,VB/DOS. Also available for C, C++, Windows,and OS/2. BULLET BASIC version 1.20,05-Jan-95.
BLTW120.ZIP 251,518 01-05-95 [Bullet for Windows 1.20] is a super-fast,super-small B-tree/dBASE .DBF,transaction-based, multi-user databasetoolkit for Windows compilers.
CLEAN11.ZIP 34,885 12-12-94 CLEANUP 1.0 VBX Design-Mode Tool <ASP> Justdrop this custom control into your projectand automatically minimize the windows ofevery non-VB application running (exceptVBAssist). This Visual Basic Custom Control
EASYDR26.ZIP 346,391 11-13-94 The Easy-Door Library version 2.60,QuickBasic 4.5, PDS 7.1, VB DOS v1.0
LEDDSP12.ZIP 53,754 12-08-94 LEDDISP 1.2 VBX Digital LED Display <ASP>Instantiate the Microwave Oven Metaphor! ThisVisual Basic Custom Control simulates amulti-digit seven-segment LED display.Colors, number of digits and other attributes
MAXPB10B.ZIP 100,411 12-08-94 MAXLIB For PB v1.0, for PowerBASIC 3.0 Thepainless way to add EMS (expanded memory)support to your PB3 programs! Emulates filei/o in EMS, with fall-back to disk when EMSis not available. Or create arrays as large
PBC30A.ZIP 321,012 11-05-94 PBClone 3.0 library (1 of 2) for MS BASICs.This archive contains the demo programs andcore libraries. Shareware by Tom Hanlin.
PBC30B.ZIP 85,456 11-05-94 PBClone 3.0 library (2 of 2) for MS BASICs.This archive contains the BASIC part of thesource code. Shareware by Tom Hanlin.
PBCDK10.ZIP 75,534 10-15-94 AUDIO CD TOOLBOX lets you add Music CD audiocapability to your PowerBASIC applications.Play individual audio tracks, entire cd's,specific portions down to 1/75 of second,adjust volume, eject/lock cd tray and more.
PBFILES.ZIP 36,592 10-14-94 File I/O library (freeware) for PowerBASIC3.0b+
PBVL110.ZIP 172,427 11-10-94 PB/VISION(tm) LITE v1.10 for PowerBASIC 3.0.Create graphical and text 3D windows withworking control icons. Fully event-driven,multi-threading, mouse aware design with aslittle as 30K of overhead. Includes
PBWIZ21.ZIP 246,972 09-06-94 PB Wizard's Library 2.1, for PowerBASIC 3.0.Over 325 routines: archive & disk dirs, BMPpics, SoundBlaster, mouse/kbd/joystick, EMS &XMS memory, 256-color VGA/SVGA, equationsolver, comm, time & date calc, equipment
PICBTN10.ZIP 36,708 09-12-94 Picture Button Custom Control (VBX) <ASP>This custom control for Visual Basic is acommand button that has both text and apicture on it. The picture can be scaled andplaced above, below, to the right, or to the
QBWIZ20.ZIP 36,872 11-05-94 QBWiz 2.0 allows direct access to QuickBasic4.5 internals so you can do things that wouldnot normally be possible. Free with completesource code, by Tom Hanlin.
READFR.ZIP 12,199 12-18-94 View Edit Print VB Source from withinWFW/Write
RUKQ110.ZIP 381,308 10-21-94 RUCKUS 1.1: BASIC toolkit for Sound Blaster,AdLib, OPL synth. Digital VOC, WAV,MOD,& MIDIin GM & MT-32, CMF, and ROL-cnv. IncludesJaleo demo of GUS, OPL3 2/4op stereo,MPU-401, Rio/Maui.
SETUPK1.EXE 102,930 12-16-94 SETUPK1.EXE New VB Setup Toolkit and SetupWizard
SRCPRI11.ZIP 136,735 10-17-94 SourcePrinter version 1.10 is a utility forprinting Visual Basic code in a more usable,professional looking format. Prints VB codewith headers, footers, margins, and pagenumbers. Prints procedure headings in bold,
TIPS10.ZIP 34,134 10-02-94 Tool Tips Custom Control (VBX) <ASP> Tipsprovides Microsoft(r) style tool tips. Smallwindows pop-up with bits of info when theuser pauses the mouse over your controls. Nocode required, just set the Tag properties.
VB2VBDOS.ZIP 22,899 12-22-94 VBWIN to VBDOS Conversion utility! VB-To-VBDOIt's easy to go from DOS to windows, but fromto DOS it's HARD! Not anymore, with VB-To-VBDEasy and Fast... Requires VBRUN300.DLLCopywrite (c) 1994 Disk And Desk Inc.
VBAPP.EXE 499,834 11-15-94 Visual Basic for Applications - Tips fromMicroSoft
XFADE.ZIP 2,682 12-10-94 Ever wonder how to fade one text message outwhile fading another one in? This source codeexample for PowerBASIC demonstrates how thisis done in screen mode 13h (320x200x256) andrequires VGA and PB 3.0c or later.